79 research outputs found

    Company Marketing Mix

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    Tématem bakalářské práce je vymezení marketingového mixu zážitkové pivnice Pivní burza, která je zaměřena především na prodej čepovaného piva za proměnlivé ceny, které se mění dle poptávky zákazníků. Hlavními body této práce jsou tedy analýza a vypracování marketingového mixu. Poté přednesení návrhů na zlepšení, které firmě pomohou k lepší konkurenceschopnosti. Konkrétní návrhy budou vycházet z provedených analýz.The theme of this thesis is definition of marketing mix of experience brasserie Pivní burza, which is engaged on the sale of draft beer for variable prices, which are changing based on demand of customers. The main points are analysis and developing the marketing mix. Then making suggestions to improvement that will help to better competitiveness of company. Concrete suggestions will be based on conducted analysis.

    Petr Sedláček: Mezinárodní měnový fond ve 21. století.

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    Petr Sedláček: Mezinárodní měnový fond ve 21. století. 1. vydání. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2008, 234 stran, ISBN 978-80-7400-012-6

    Petr Sedláček: Mezinárodní měnový systém a globální finanční krize

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    Kniha posuzuje prizmatem mezinárodního měnového systému soubor reforem, které byly přijaty v souvislosti s nedávnou globální finanční krizí. První část uvádí historický vývoj a dopad krizí na měnový systém, druhá část analyzuje opatření, přijatá pro zlepšení fungování jednotlivých oblastí systému, hodnotí jejich účinnost i možné cesty dalšího zkvalitnění. Poprvé u nás se tak mohou nejen profesionálové v oblasti státní správy i v soukromých finančních institucích, ale i studenti vysokých škol seznámit s aktuálními trendy reforem mezinárodního měnového systému a jejich dopadem na Českou republiku

    Nitrated monoaromatic hydrocarbons (nitrophenols, nitrocatechols, nitrosalicylic acids) in ambient air: levels, mass size distributions and inhalation bioaccessibility

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    Nitrated monoaromatic hydrocarbons (NMAHs) are ubiquitous in the environment and an important part of atmospheric humic-like substances (HULIS) and brown carbon. They are ecotoxic and with underresearched toxic potential for humans. NMAHs were determined in size-segregated ambient particulate matter collected at two urban sites in central Europe, Ostrava and Kladno, Czech Republic. The average sums of 12 NMAHs (Σ12NMAH) measured in winter PM10 samples from Ostrava and Kladno were 102 and 93 ng m−3, respectively, and 8.8 ng m−3 in summer PM10 samples from Ostrava. The concentrations in winter corresponded to 6.3–7.3% and 2.6–3.1% of HULIS-C and water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC), respectively. Nitrocatechols represented 67–93%, 61–73% and 28–96% of NMAHs in PM10 samples collected in winter and summer at Ostrava and in winter at Kladno, respectively. The mass size distribution of the targeted substance classes peaked in the submicrometre size fractions (PM1), often in the PM0.5 size fraction especially in summer. The bioaccessible fraction of NMAHs was determined by leaching PM3 samples in two simulated lung fluids, Gamble’s solution and artificial lysosomal fluid (ALF). More than half of NMAH mass is found bioaccessible, almost complete for nitrosalicylic acids. The bioaccessible fraction was generally higher when using ALF (mimics the chemical environment created by macrophage activity, pH 4.5) than Gamble’s solution (pH 7.4). Bioaccessibility may be negligible for lipophilic substances (i.e. log KOW > 4.5)


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    The paper describes an experimental program for studying the fatigue performance of GFRP bars, which has been initiated by the authors. Two different test configurations were used to assess the fatigue behaviour. The bare specimens were tested within the first series. A modified gripping system was used to reduce eccentricity when the bar was not directly fixed. However, the boundary conditions seem to affect the results. The second series consisted of a set of specimens of bars embedded in concrete. This configuration seems appropriate for determination of fatigue life of GFRP bars. Two S-N curves for bare bars and bars embedded in concrete were created and compared. Significant reduction of interlaminar shear strength at the beginning of fatigue loading proved matrix or fibre/matrix interface damage

    Coating of carbonized leather waste with the conducting polymer polyaniline: Bicontinuous composites for dye adsorption

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    Leather waste carbonized at 800 °C in an inert atmosphere was coated in situ with the conducting polymer polyaniline. The composition of composites varied from neat carbonaceous to polyaniline. Due to the fibrous collagen structure of the original leather after carbonization, the composites had a bicontinuous conducting morphology. The resistivity of composites determined as a function of applied pressure from 0.1 to 10 MPa fell mainly into the range of units to tens of Ω cm. In contrast to neat polyaniline, the composites maintained a good level of conductivity even under alkaline conditions. The application of a composite as an adsorbent of organic-dye pollutants in water treatment was illustrated using methylene blue and methyl orange with an eye to future functional adsorbents controllable by applied electrical potential.Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy, MŠMT, (RP/CPS/2022/005)Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic [RP/CPS/2022/005

    Carbonized leather waste with deposited polypyrrole nanotubes: Conductivity and dye adsorption

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    This paper reports the conversion of a waste to a conducting material, exploiting the ability to adsorb pollutant organic dyes. Leather waste was carbonized at 800 °C in an inert nitrogen atmosphere. The resulting biochar was used for in-situ deposition of polypyrrole nanotubes produced by the oxidative polymerization of pyrrole in the presence of methyl orange. The composites of carbonized leather with deposited polypyrrole nanotubes of various composition were compared with similar composites based on globular polypyrrole. Their molecular structure was characterized by infrared and Raman spectra. Both conducting components formed a bicontinuous structure. The resistivity was newly determined by a four-point van der Pauw method and monitored as a function of pressure applied up to 10 MPa. The typical conductivity of composites was of the order of 0.1 to 1 S cm−1 and it was always higher for polypyrrole nanotubes than for globular polypyrrole. The method also allows for the assessment of mechanical features, such as powder fluffiness. The conductivity decreased by 1–2 orders of magnitude after treatment with ammonia but still maintained a level acceptable for applications operating under non-acidic conditions. The composites were tested for dye adsorption, specifically cationic methylene blue and anionic methyl orange, using UV-vis spectroscopy. The composites were designed for future use as functional adsorbents controlled by the electrical potential or organic electrode materials.Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy, MŠMT, (RP/CPS/2022/005)Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic [RP/CPS/2022/005

    One-dimensional nanostructures of polypyrrole for shielding of electromagnetic interference in the microwave region

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    Polypyrrole one-dimensional nanostructures (nanotubes, nanobelts and nanofibers) were prepared using three various dyes (Methyl Orange, Methylene Blue and Eriochrome Black T). Their high electrical conductivity (from 17.1 to 60.9 S cm−1), good thermal stability (in the range from 25 to 150◦ C) and resistivity against ageing (half-time of electrical conductivity around 80 days and better) were used in preparation of lightweight and flexible composites with silicone for electromagnetic interference shielding in the C-band region (5.85–8.2 GHz). The nanostructures’ morphology and chemical structure were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, Brunauer–Emmett–Teller specific surface measurement and attenuated total reflection Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. DC electrical conductivity was measured using the Van der Pauw method. Complex permittivity and AC electrical conductivity of respective silicone composites were calculated from the measured scattering parameters. The relationships between structure, electrical properties and shielding efficiency were studied. It was found that 2 mm-thick silicone composites of polypyrrole nanotubes and nanobelts shield almost 80% of incident radiation in the C-band at very low loading of conductive filler in the silicone (5% w/w). Resulting lightweight and flexible polypyrrole composites exhibit promising properties for shielding of electromagnetic interference in sensitive biological and electronic systems. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republicproject DKRVO [RP/CPS/2020/006]; [A2_FCHI_2020_030

    Mass Production of Plasma Activated Water: Case Studies of Its Biocidal Effect on Algae and Cyanobacteria

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    Efficient treatment of contaminated water in industrially viable volumes is still a challenging task. The hydrodynamic cavitation plasma jet (HCPJ) is a promising plasma source for industrial-scale generation of biologically active environments at high flow rates of several m(3)/h. The combined effect of a hydro-mechanical phenomenon consisting of hydrodynamic cavitation and electrical discharge in cavitation voids was found to be highly efficient for large-volume generation of reactive oxygen species, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and electro-mechanical stress in a liquid environment. Here, the persistence of biocidal properties of HCPJ-activated water (i.e., plasma-activated water (PAW)) was tested by the study of algae and cyanobacteria inactivation. Algae and cyanobacteria cultivated in media containing PAW (1:1) were completely inactivated after 72 h from first exposure. The test was performed at a total power input of up to 0.5 kWh/m(3) at the treated liquid flow rate of 1 m(3)/h. A beneficial modification of our previous HCPJ design is described and thoroughly characterized with respect to the changes of hydrodynamic flow conditions as well as discharge performance and its optical characteristics. The modification proved to provide high biocidal activity of the resulting PAW, which confirms a strong potential for further design optimization of this promising water (liquid) plasma source